Sunday, August 7, 2011

Busy, busy.. 365 photos coming!

Mom really has been taking photos of me everyday! It has been a lot of fun to try out different poses, and have a photo shoot every day! Unfortunately, there is something about getting the photos off the little box and putting them into the bigger box, and then sorting through them and labeling them and uploading them and.. I really don't know what all of that stuff means, but Mom says it needs to be done before I can show everyone the photos. 

Sigh.. I hate when my humans get so busy!

For know you can go see my older photos with the links below.. or browse through any posts you may have missed.

Join me in looking at more photos of me...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Snowshoe Under The Table - 365

Yup.. it's me under the table. Catchy title, I know! This is a great place to sit and watch what is going on without worry of getting stepped on!

Join me in looking at more photos of me...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

365 Snowshoe ~ Comfortable Amid The Toys

Yup, Mom caught me napping on the coffee table. I fell asleep watching my boys playing at the table, and they obviously forgot to clean up when they left.. At least they left me enough room to comfortably sleep. Catnap!

Snowshoe ~ Comfortable Amid The Toys

Join me in looking at more photos of me...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Snowshoe ~You Called? Day 2 of 365

So Day 2 of My 365 Project is here. I had been having a nice cat nap. You called my name, was there something you had wanted me for? Something you had wanted to say? If not, I am thinking that I will curl back into my dreams in my cat tree.. standing guard with my eyes closed...

Snowshoe ~ You Called?

Join me in looking at more photos of me...

Monday, July 18, 2011

365 Photo Project of My Own... Maybe

I was thinking that I would try to get a photo up every day, or almost every day. A cat's schedule can be quite hectic! It may turn into a sort of 365 project of my own.. well, we will see what it becomes as it goes on!

This is a photo of me, Snowshoe, as I sat by the window one day, dreaming. I thought I would start here as a way to introduce myself. 

Follow the link to find more photos of me, and other photos that Mom took.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Lettuce

I keep telling people that I really do like my lettuce. Why does everyone think that is strange? I really get annoyed when people question my tastes. Yes, I am a cat. No, I do not like meat all that much. Yes, I really do eat lettuce. In fact, I love it. I love to climb up on the table or counter and eat it straight off your plate if you are not watching! And the container of lettuce in water on the counter, MUST be just for me, so I can not understand why my people keep putting it through that noisy machine and turning it into green liquid that they drink. Green juice, they call it. I call it MINE! - Snowshoe